For starters, we have a few not so pleasant news. As we already mentioned, some changes to our line-up cannot be avoided. First news is concerning Draconian. They had to cancel their appearance on Gothoom due to the singer Heike, who cannot get to EU because of invalid working permit until 2020. ...
Ak neviete čo s 2% z vašich daní . Tak nám ich múžete darovať a tým zlepšiť fungovanie festivalu GOTHOOM. Tu si môžete stiahnut tlačivo na 2_dane_retro_Gothoom.pdf Ďakujeme veľmi pekne !!!
ELEVORN, SUDDEN DEATH, MOROSTWith the bands added today, we are closing in on 40 bands in the festival's line-up. It may not seem so, but the number of bands is growing fast and it's not far from completion.Four years since their last visit, we will have the privilege to welcome HELEVORN from th ...
TEN TON SLUG, IRDORATH, INTERREGNUM,AZELS MOUNTAIN, SPHEREToday's additions to our line up will be done on a stroll through our neighbouring countries with one digression to a country that is relatively far but is close to Slovaks in other ways.TEN TON SLUG hail from Ireland but with a Slovak b ...
TORTHARRY, NAHUM, ADOR DORATH, SECTESY, PAČESSToday, we will enrich our festival line up solely with bands from our western neighbours Czechia. Not only because we still consider them as part of our own "home" scene and its support always has been and will be one of the goals of Gothoom.Death me ...
It may not seem so but after today we will already have 26 bands in our line-up. 26 bands from all over the world, 26 bands from all over the realm of extreme metal genres. Even that's enough but the numbers and variety will only grow from now. Today, it will be mainly about death metal though.N ...
This time, we are adding only bands that will be performing on the first day, the blackmetal dayFirstly, we'd like to welcome DARK FORTRESS to our line-up. The band of the German guitarist and producer V.Santura, who is also known as the current era cooperator of Thomas Fischer in Triptykon. Gen ...
ČAD, CATASTROFY, MAJSTER KAT, ATTACK OF RAGE, PATRIARCHAIt's time to enrich the lineup of next year's Gothoom with a first bunch of homeland bands because that is something that cannot be missing on our festival.Another thing that will not be missing is a duo of bands that are among the very few ...